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About the Y.E.S. Program - for Juveniles

The Y.E.S. Program is Available in 2 Different Formats:

Interactive Online Program – An online program which delivers proven-effective education in a specifically structured environment which is designed to pique young peoples’ interest and increase retention levels by offering them an easy to use, interactive, media-rich presentation that surpasses the outdated “read and click” mentality. The program utilizes video scenarios which are guided by a facilitator along with a core group of teens who have also been caught shoplifting. Participants answer questions and, after understanding their behavior, they work to create a personal plan to stop shoplifting.

Home-Study Program – A comprehensive correspondence course (mailed to the home) presented on audio CD’s with a workbook. Listening to a facilitator and other teens caught shoplifting, participants are guided through the program while answering questions from the workbook.

The Y.E.S. Program will take the participant 3-4 hours to complete. It is not necessary that the participant complete the program in one sitting. We encourage them to take breaks as often as they feel the need . . . as long as they complete the program by the deadline date, if appropriate.

The Y.E.S. Program helps young people:

  • Identify the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes which led them to shoplift.
  • Understand the truth about the law and its consequences.
  • Examine their behavior and understand how much they risked for a small reward.
  • Understand the social and financial impact of their behavior.
  • Understand how their actions hurt many people – their families, themselves, the employees at the store and the community at large.
  • Understand and acknowledge that their behavior resulted from a choice that was theirs alone and could have been made differently.
  • Develop a personalized plan to stop shoplifting now and in the future.


Questions? Call 1-800-848-9595


©2010 National Association for Shoplifting Prevention